饭Arashi 蓝担
第一次记博客 将会记录 在ART UNI的学习过程 也会发一些自己画的小蠢画
This blog will record my learning experience and the process of my projects in Arts University Bournemouth.

How to understanding those Chinese characters


After last weekends, I found I just couldn't keep continue my presentle work, So I stopped and started to review. I reviewed all photos I took and previous photos in my iphoto and I found a photo above which made me thinking: can we use symbols to explain what is "福"(Fu). In English, it's usualy translated to Happiness,blessing, lucky, however it is a character hard to explain even in chinese. It covers history, stories, literature, spirit, traditions and so many abstract meanings.  


The paragraph above is the short brief that conclude the history of "fu"'s meanings. I translated several: In LI JI, it says "Fu" means everything will go well; the second one means there are five elements : long life, be rich, good health, good manner, dead without any illness.

I take this example because I'd like to say it's actually a character you have to feel.


This is my understanding of "FU" by using man and woman symbols.

So currently I'm thinking about how about I collect chinese people's understanding of this character, I will give them two stander symbols(Man and Woman) and let them use those to explain what is "fu" in their minds, of course they can change the size and color of them , and sure they can add more things or maybe conbine those tow like that transsexual sign, whatever they want.

Not just this character, there are a lot of chinese characters hard to translate in languages.

like the next one as follow:

This word has been translated to "feelings" in google, as for chinese, it's more than this. I don't know how to translate, I really don't know, that's why I expect other people's explanations. 

What I want to explore is can designer use visual language to describe a abstract thing. How do people read visual languages?


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