饭Arashi 蓝担
第一次记博客 将会记录 在ART UNI的学习过程 也会发一些自己画的小蠢画
This blog will record my learning experience and the process of my projects in Arts University Bournemouth.

Relationship need to be flexible

It is the third drawing I like so much. This one came from a 40-year-old businessman that he thought relation between couple need to be flexible. I am really into this metaphor he used that he drew a wire spring between man and woman figures. That is a really lovely idea. 

I have say this is really clever especially when we stare at it longer and are thinking about our own love story. Relationship always like this. When we're fall in love at very beginning, we want stay close as much as we can. 

However, after passionate love, fights, misunderstand are coming, and we might say I need more space. 

Therefore we start apart from each other. 

But, life is always interesting. No matter how far we stay away from each other,  our bond already existed, like elastic force of a spring, always draw us back in an appropriate distance.

Maybe this pic's author's original meaning is unlike my unerstanding(maybe it's he doesn't want his wife control too much thing about him), but I am glad I have this now.

(PS: 这个弹簧的比喻真是越想越觉得动人)

再随手记一下: 松润的 新剧 我太爱啦~~~~~~~ 虽然小大的剧也是棒棒哒 可是 99.9的题材本身是我的大爱啊 润酱 在剧里也很帅 四月果然 好~嗨~森~~


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