饭Arashi 蓝担
第一次记博客 将会记录 在ART UNI的学习过程 也会发一些自己画的小蠢画
This blog will record my learning experience and the process of my projects in Arts University Bournemouth.


Masahiko Sato and Exit/Entry Stamp

he coolly pursues the rules of communication and applies them in an exceptional way.

the seed of communication

Sato's design work and design thinking focuse on "the seed of communication" which are some tiny tiny details in daily conmunnication people are familar with however never notice, those seeds could be key points for a better, warmer communication way.

The concept of exit/entry stamp reminds me of a situation I always feel embarrased when I am in subway, since it usually has two oppsite doors, I'm always confused which side I suppose to face. Sometimes the door behind me opend so my back facing people who are walking in. It is a really uncomfortable situation for me.

In other way, when I don't know which door will open for next station, I usually obsever which door most passengers are facing to so that I can stand in front of a right door.



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